The Last of Us Film

Any gaming and horror fans out there will most likely have heard about, seen or played the 2013 infectious – literally – survival video game ‘The Last of Us’.


Right from the mournful beginning to the unexpected end, the game kept players gripped to their screens as they attempted to survive in a world that has been overrun with an infection which turns people into killing machines. The Last of Us offered a lot more than just going around and shooting zombies though, it made the player use skills such as stealth to try to get past, but generally kill, the infected; and on occasions humans. You got to play as Joel – voiced by Troy Baker – whose main goal was protecting Ellie – voiced by Ashley Johnson – a 14 girl who just might be the answer to curing the disease. However as we know with these games, it is never going to be a walk in the park.

Well fans out there will be pleased to hear that plans have been set in motion to create a The Last of Us film. I for one am very excited about this because I think, if they stick to the storyline, it could offer something completely different to what has been seen in the zombie genre in the past years. Although I do love zombie films, at the moment they have been done to death, and are getting slightly repetitive.

Not much is known as of yet about the motion-picture, only that the game’s creative director Neil Druckmann will be writing the script, Screen Gems will be distributing it and the great Sam Raimi (director of the Evil Dead trilogy) is attached to the project.

With The Walking Dead taking the undead reins on TV, we need them to be taken once more for film.

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